
2020-2021 Campeonato del Mundo de Moto2
2020-2021 Campeonato del Mundo de Moto2


Dos impresionantes y emocionantes temporadas nos esperan este 2020 y 2021 con el equipo Pons Racing, que ha confiado en nosotros para defender sus colores, en el dificil y competido Campeonato del Mundo de Moto2.

Esta categoria en la que en ocasiones podemos ver hasta 20 pilotos en el mismo segundo, es complicada y disputada. Solo esperamos con esfuerzo y ganas, estar al nivel esperado.


First MotoE 2019 Season
First MotoE 2019 Season

The results of this season have been, a fourth place, a fall fighting for the victory, three second places and a third, with which we have achieved 4 podiums in 6 races, but… We lost all the options of winning the championship due to a disqualification by technical verification of lack of tire pressure in last Valencia race. Such a shame.

We have the 4 records of the 5 circuits of the championship

Next season is ours. 

Many thanks to Hervé Poncharal, Arnaud Coste and the all entire wonderfull people of the Tech3 Team.

European 2019 Sub Champion Moto2 with Mistral 610
European 2019 Sub Champion Moto2 with Mistral 610

We were able to get the European SubChampion on the back of a 2017 Mistral from the Tech3 Team.

An achievement that tastes like victory.

Thanks to Jordi Colacios and CNS Motorsport.

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